Thursday, August 29, 2019

Is YouTube making a mistake?

My opinion

YouTube is removing the instant messaging option on their social media. One of the main reasons I chose this article to read was because I was intrigued to see why they thought this would be a good idea. Mainly because in this generation texting or direct messaging is so common so getting rid of that feature, almost seems like your back-tracking instead of improving your technology. Another reason I thought it was strange that they were doing this was, why wouldn't they want their posts to be shared with other people?  Whether it was either to send something funny or helpful you saw to a friend or family member either-way it was getting the word out and leading to more people viewing YouTube.

Why they are doing it

In the article they explained that the key purpose they created YouTube was so people could post videos and communicate through comments on the video. I then realized that they weren't totally getting rid of the sharing options on videos. Instead, you can still send a video or post you see to a friend, just not through the app itself, you have to send it through other resources such as text messaging or email. After reading the article I do see why they are removing instant messaging but I'm not sure if it is a good idea or not.

Original post


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