Monday, October 7, 2019

Attack On The Homeless

Streets Attacks of NYC 

For anyone who has been to the city we know how common it is to see homeless people on the side of the street or in alleys. This has been an ongoing issue for a while now and they mostly go to the cities because that is where the most people are walking around on foot and they have better chances of getting money or food their where it is more populated. Another reason is because everything is walking distance to where they would most likely need to be going. 

A homeless man, for a reason that is still unknown, decided to take the life of 4 people who were also homeless. He attacked the 4 homeless people in their sleep in the middle of NYC. The suspect has already had been charged with multiple crimes including arrested at least 6 times and attempted murder, he has also spent his time in jail. He went about injuring them with a metal object, and the results were him killing 4 men and seriously injuring one, all the men were above the age of 45. The witnesses reported the attacks at about 2 in the morning, the called saying they saw an attack between two males and one was laying on the road with severe head trauma which was caused from what looked like a pipe. All the bodies that were found were found in a two block radius of each other. The suspect was found and taken and went to court for this 4 murders and 1 severely injured and the court decided he will be held without bail.

In my opinion I think that even though it was a tragic thing that many had to go through, there is a very important lesson to learn and that is that he streets of NYC could be a very unsafe spot especially at night when it is dark so always remember to check your surroundings and stay out of trouble.

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