Tuesday, October 29, 2019

promote innovation

What is it?

Promoting innovation is where your freedom to speech is protected. This is a very friendly way for society to be able to say what they want to say. Since society is comfortable speaking how they please, they are happier and their moods change for the better.

Why is it important that we have this?

Since having this society has spoke out about whatever they feel they need to have talked about. I think it is important for society to feel comfortable saying what ever is on their minds and being able to share that with others who also might have the same opinion. Although there could be difficulties with this for example people disagreeing with each other, I say that it is better to have some disagreements rather than be told you can't speak out. 

Monday, October 7, 2019

Paralyzed Dog is Cured

Acupuncture Miracle

Dinky was a little dachshund dog that had a terrible thing happen to him but that didnt stop him from being the happiest dog there was. Dinky was paralyzed from the waist down which meant his legs and tail were unable to move properly. If you refer to the article you can see in the video that is attached that he could barley use his back legs at all, he was just dragging them around on the floor as he would get from place to place. After the first couple of treatments his body did not respond the way that the veterinarians wanted it to. After multiple sessions of electroacupuncture Morgan said " we were so excited he's tail was wagging and he was running around the room, we were surprised he could walk after his first treatment he was up and walking and just kept improving over the next sessions." Morgan also said that she expects Dinky, to have a full recovery. It's a miracle what can happen after such a long time of thinking that nothing would be able to fix the impossible.

It's so impressive to see how far we have come with science. It amazes me that we can have a dog that couldn't walk and now give him the ability to get the strength in his legs to run and play like all other dogs can do. If you also want to see how impressive it is check out the Original Post to see the results of the little dog and how his life has changed dramatically. 

New Way to Get Nicotine

Non-vaping, Non-smoking Way of Getting Nicotine 

This generation has been huge on vaping and it has started to become a real danger to society. We have seen many reports of it causing health issues to young people resulting to them being hospitalized or even death. Since vaping was a new way of smoking doctors were unaware of how to fix the symptoms it was causing people to have. A lot of states have banned the use of vaping in hopes to reduce the amount of people who do it. 

A new way of getting nicotine has come to America and it is a non smoking way of doing so. Altria has found a way that is different than any other, and called it Iqos. Altria's way doesn't involve the burning og tobacco instead it is an electronic cigarette like gadget that heats up but doesn't burn tobacco like other devices. It heats at a lot lower of a temperature compared to cigarette but still gives off a real taste of a cigarette. Same as other devices it requires a charge after so many uses. There is still a 18+ rule to buying the Iqos. It is sold at local gas stations and other places where you can buy other nicotine products. Altria has created this product to hope to decrease the numbers of death happening because of vaping. 

In my opinion I think that smoking has been around for far to long and instead of trying to eliminate it they just keep trying to change it around to say its safer but in reality all smoking is bad for you and they will find out over time just like they did with cigarettes that it can cause serious health issues for your body. Instead of trying to justify it they should get rid of it in a whole. Now its everyone doing it, from middle schoolers to parents, everyone is vaping and it is a very dangerous device that people think is better for them than cigarettes and while that might be true its not as good for you as just not smoking at all.

United Airlines Plane Made Unexpected Landing in Maine

Emergency Landing

An United Airlines flight on its way to Amsterdam departing from San Francisco had to do an emergency landing in Maine due to cabin pressure having an issue. The oxygen masks dropped but iti was unclear if they were directed to use the masks or not. There were no injuries that were reported and the passengers of the flight were giving lodging overnight and left on a different flight then next morning.

The airline seemed to have everything under control and handled it in a very calm and professional way in my opinion. No one got hurt during the process of having to have an emergency landing. There was no details telling us why the air pressure in the cabin was having issues or how it couldve been avoided so we don't know if it happened in the air or before take off. The important part is that everyone is safe and that the plane had a safe place to land in Maine.

Original Post


Family of Five Found Dead

Sad Event That Effected The Whole District

The two parents and 3 children were all found shot in their home in MA, Monday morning. The cause of death seems to be that they were shot, they were found by another family member who stopped by their house to take their children, but instead found the whole family dead. There were two 9 year old twins, a boy and a girl, and an 11 year old girl. Police are not searching for a suspect at this time for who did this to the family, the police also said that there is not threat to the public. The police said "there are three young students of this family in our district. "at this time we do not have any other details about what happened. this was an unexpected event which deeply saddens all of us." They have no idea why this happened or what even happened exactly yet but they are handling it the way that they thing is best and will be the most efficient approach to figure out what happened.

In my opinion I think it is a very tragic event that occurred, but what I think its worse that they aren't looking for a suspect. In a way that could be closer for a lot of people that were effected by this event them not looking for one is just saying like they don't care us much about the investigation because the person who did this is clearly a threat and not finding him can just lead to other instances. 

Teenager Dies Trying to Save Family

Life Changing Day

An 18 year old and his 2 brothers, girlfriend, and cousin were on their way to a youth football game when they got in a serious accident resulting in their car going into the canal and left a lot of peoples lives changed forever. The 18 year old driver managed to help the 16 year old get to shore but when he went back to try and save the other three passengers he died trying. they found 3 of the 4 bodies and the one that is still missing is the 6-year-olds body that was in the vehicle. The authorities are still unaware of how fast the vehicle was going or what the passengers were doing prior to the accident or what made them crash in general but whatever was the reasoning it left a lot of families and friends at a loss of a friend or family member. This just tells us to always be aware of our surroundings and to know that anything can happen at any moment so not to take life for granted. 

I don't really think i have much of an opinion on this article because there was no wrong doing that we know of. We are unaware of why he crashed it could've not been his fault at all. Therefore, I don't think it would be right to have an opinion without knowing all of the information. 

Fired Due To Sexuality

He Lost His Job Because of This 

In 2010 Don Zarda, a skydive instructor life changed after one sentence he decided to say to his customer. The sentence was " don't worry about being strapped tightly to me, i'm gay." and as through Zarda probably thought he was helping comfort the girl he was jumping out of a plane with, he made the matters a lot worse. His sister Melissa defended him by saying "no one should be fired for being who they are." In a way i don't believe he got fired for who he was more of what he said. it might have been wrong timing to say that before he was about to jump out of a plane with her attached to him. I think it made his client a lot more uncomfortable not because of who he liked romantically more of the way he said it. In 2014 Don Zarda died from a risky jumping accident.

In my opinion this just shows us that we should always be careful of what we are saying also when and to who we are saying it to because it can be taken out of context. I don't think it was necessarily  about Don Zarda's sexuality more of the fact that he said the wrong thing at the wrong time. 

Attack On The Homeless

Streets Attacks of NYC 

For anyone who has been to the city we know how common it is to see homeless people on the side of the street or in alleys. This has been an ongoing issue for a while now and they mostly go to the cities because that is where the most people are walking around on foot and they have better chances of getting money or food their where it is more populated. Another reason is because everything is walking distance to where they would most likely need to be going. 

A homeless man, for a reason that is still unknown, decided to take the life of 4 people who were also homeless. He attacked the 4 homeless people in their sleep in the middle of NYC. The suspect has already had been charged with multiple crimes including arrested at least 6 times and attempted murder, he has also spent his time in jail. He went about injuring them with a metal object, and the results were him killing 4 men and seriously injuring one, all the men were above the age of 45. The witnesses reported the attacks at about 2 in the morning, the called saying they saw an attack between two males and one was laying on the road with severe head trauma which was caused from what looked like a pipe. All the bodies that were found were found in a two block radius of each other. The suspect was found and taken and went to court for this 4 murders and 1 severely injured and the court decided he will be held without bail.

In my opinion I think that even though it was a tragic thing that many had to go through, there is a very important lesson to learn and that is that he streets of NYC could be a very unsafe spot especially at night when it is dark so always remember to check your surroundings and stay out of trouble.

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Original Post