Monday, October 7, 2019

Paralyzed Dog is Cured

Acupuncture Miracle

Dinky was a little dachshund dog that had a terrible thing happen to him but that didnt stop him from being the happiest dog there was. Dinky was paralyzed from the waist down which meant his legs and tail were unable to move properly. If you refer to the article you can see in the video that is attached that he could barley use his back legs at all, he was just dragging them around on the floor as he would get from place to place. After the first couple of treatments his body did not respond the way that the veterinarians wanted it to. After multiple sessions of electroacupuncture Morgan said " we were so excited he's tail was wagging and he was running around the room, we were surprised he could walk after his first treatment he was up and walking and just kept improving over the next sessions." Morgan also said that she expects Dinky, to have a full recovery. It's a miracle what can happen after such a long time of thinking that nothing would be able to fix the impossible.

It's so impressive to see how far we have come with science. It amazes me that we can have a dog that couldn't walk and now give him the ability to get the strength in his legs to run and play like all other dogs can do. If you also want to see how impressive it is check out the Original Post to see the results of the little dog and how his life has changed dramatically. 

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