Monday, October 7, 2019

Fired Due To Sexuality

He Lost His Job Because of This 

In 2010 Don Zarda, a skydive instructor life changed after one sentence he decided to say to his customer. The sentence was " don't worry about being strapped tightly to me, i'm gay." and as through Zarda probably thought he was helping comfort the girl he was jumping out of a plane with, he made the matters a lot worse. His sister Melissa defended him by saying "no one should be fired for being who they are." In a way i don't believe he got fired for who he was more of what he said. it might have been wrong timing to say that before he was about to jump out of a plane with her attached to him. I think it made his client a lot more uncomfortable not because of who he liked romantically more of the way he said it. In 2014 Don Zarda died from a risky jumping accident.

In my opinion this just shows us that we should always be careful of what we are saying also when and to who we are saying it to because it can be taken out of context. I don't think it was necessarily  about Don Zarda's sexuality more of the fact that he said the wrong thing at the wrong time. 

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