Monday, October 7, 2019

New Way to Get Nicotine

Non-vaping, Non-smoking Way of Getting Nicotine 

This generation has been huge on vaping and it has started to become a real danger to society. We have seen many reports of it causing health issues to young people resulting to them being hospitalized or even death. Since vaping was a new way of smoking doctors were unaware of how to fix the symptoms it was causing people to have. A lot of states have banned the use of vaping in hopes to reduce the amount of people who do it. 

A new way of getting nicotine has come to America and it is a non smoking way of doing so. Altria has found a way that is different than any other, and called it Iqos. Altria's way doesn't involve the burning og tobacco instead it is an electronic cigarette like gadget that heats up but doesn't burn tobacco like other devices. It heats at a lot lower of a temperature compared to cigarette but still gives off a real taste of a cigarette. Same as other devices it requires a charge after so many uses. There is still a 18+ rule to buying the Iqos. It is sold at local gas stations and other places where you can buy other nicotine products. Altria has created this product to hope to decrease the numbers of death happening because of vaping. 

In my opinion I think that smoking has been around for far to long and instead of trying to eliminate it they just keep trying to change it around to say its safer but in reality all smoking is bad for you and they will find out over time just like they did with cigarettes that it can cause serious health issues for your body. Instead of trying to justify it they should get rid of it in a whole. Now its everyone doing it, from middle schoolers to parents, everyone is vaping and it is a very dangerous device that people think is better for them than cigarettes and while that might be true its not as good for you as just not smoking at all.

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