Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Echo Chamber



Echo chambers are an environment where a person only encounters information or opinions that reflect and reinforce their own. In other words they favor information that reinforces existing beliefs, this is also known as a confirmation bias which goes hand and hand with echo chambers. 


The are used to create misinformation, also to change a persons perspective so they have trouble considering other viewpoints. 


They can happen anywhere information is exchanged whether that be social media or face to face. Since now a days everyone is on the internet it makes it a lot easier for people to fall into echo chambers. 

How to avoid:

Now that you are aware of what an echo chamber is you should try to avoid them at all costs. First you need to know how to realize a website or a social group is one, to do so you can ask yourself these questions: Is there only one perspective on a topic? Is the viewpoint supported by rumors? Are facts ignored when they go against the viewpoint? Once we have identified them we can avoid falling into them by checking multiple news sources, interacting with people who have different perspectives, and lastly have an open opinion on all topics. 

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