Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Privacy online and off

Electronic Tattoo's:

This is very interesting to me because I never put together how much privacy we don't have. A tattoo is a way to tell someone apart from some one else. For example with commiting a crime if the person commiting the crime has a tattoo it is a lot easier to find him than with someone who doesn't, why? because tattoos stay forever, you find the tattoo you find the suspect. That being said and electronic tattoo is very dangerous when things like facebook use face recognition. When you post to facebook, facebook suggests people that are in the photo with you to ask if you want to tag them. That leaves a danger to us because that means that our faces our out there for people to then identify us. An example that was brought up during this video was how if someone even has your face they can fins out interests you have, like in the video when he said you can walk into a store and they would be able to tell you like black dresses just from posts that you have shared so the worker will then come up and say I have 5 black dresses in stock. Before even sharing your interest in black dresses. 

Car tracking:

Where you choose to drive is no longer private. There is a license plate tracker on most streets, this then allows the government to see where you are going and compare it to other people and judge you based on who you are with or where you are going where that be church, work, or even leaving your driveway. Even innocent people's information are being stored, just incase it will be useful in the future. 

Telephone wires:

telephone companies have wired surveillance through our phone. That means that phone calls with doctors, family members, or anyone can be getting listened to. Phone calls are the easiest things to wire tap. Text messages are harder to get into then phone calls. It might be our own government or it could be foreign countries, hacker, or criminals. They get away with doing this because they believe that there are terrorists or drug dealers calls that they want to intercept. The point that he was making was that we all use the same way of communicating as drug dealers or terrorist therefore we all are as easy to hack and get our information.

Revenge porn turning life upside down:

We all know that once the internet has something it never goes away. A very big percentage of women are effected by revenge porn and if have not yet then most likely will be in the future. Woman lose jobs, have suicide thoughts, their whole lives are flipped and all because of jealous ex or revenge on someone. To get something off the internet or at least shut a website down it takes a lot of time in court, a lot of money, and a lot of frustration. In her case he was stalking her from another country and while she had to take time to find him and then bring him into court her pictures that were leaked of her were still on the website letting more and more people see them.

What I learned:

What I learned was that no matter how private you think a phone call, a conversation, a text message, or pictures are; nothing and I mean nothing is ever truly private and confidential. A lot of people have access to a lot of your information and it can cause you a lot of danger. I would say we should be careful by what information we are posting to social medias, but it seems like it is a lot more serious than just that, even in the comfort of your own home you are being watched, listened to, and being spied on, and not just by our government, hackers have a way of hacking into this data as well.

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