Tuesday, November 5, 2019


What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is a social media platform that allows people to communicate instantly. Snapchat is a great way to stay in touch with people either that you don't see very often or that you see every day. Using snapchat you can send pictures back and forth to people while sharing funny filters or text on the picture. Snapchat also has a twist that is different than any other social media app, what ever you send disappears in at most 10 seconds unless what you sent is screen-sh

Theory of Diffusion

The theory of diffusion is applied to this because since time has changed so much over the generations calling people is not enough anymore. What I mean by that is the new thing when our parents were growing up was cell phones in general then it became texting and now they are expanding social media so much that we need to see people everyday by sending pictures of our faces to them to communicate. Instead of actually wanting to talk to people we care about a 'streak' with someone. A 'streak' on Snapchat is something your receive next to the person name after you snap chat consecutively for at least 3 days. 

Theory of Diffusion also exists inside the Snapchat app itself. The Snapchat company is constantly sending out updates through the app, fixing the problems or adding a new feature. When Snapchat first started off it was as simple as sending a picture back and forth to someone. Now, you can facetime, text, use filters, draw on the picture, post a story for all of your friends to see, look at news articles, and even have a Bitemoji which is a cartoon like description of yourself for people to know what you look like. They also have made a new feature to look and see where your friends are if they choose to share their location with you. Snapchat is a big part of our world today and people continue to try and change it for the better everyday. 

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