Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What Does The Internet Tell About You

What Can a Stranger Find Out About You

The internet is a very useful thing to have, but can sometimes be to helpful. The internet is a very sneaky program that can take your information sometimes without you knowing it is doing so. When the internet taking this information it is impossible to get back. That being said a lot of people can find out that information about you and use it against you. A lot of hackers get peoples passwords through information they give the internet. For example, if you put your real birthday onto a social media website and something personal to you like a pet name or first car, something security questions usually ask you, then it makes it easy for a hacker to hack. 

To test this out I looked up my own name, doing this the first thing that popped up was my facebook page. Even though my name is a pretty common name my profile was still the top 5 to pop up. Under Images on google there were a lot of pictures of women, but luckily none of me. I believe this is because all my accounts are private so unless someone i let follow me, which is all my friends that i personally know, leaked one of my photos into a different place on the internet, my photos for the most part are secure. 

This being said it is extremely important to be carefully posting information about yourself on the internet. For your safety it is better to use fake birthdays and try to leave out as much information that you can about yourself. No one really needs to know about you on the internet, if they want to know that stuff about you then they should meet up in person. Even then you should trust the person yuo are telling this information to and it should be a close friend of family member, someone that you know wouldn't harm you with the information they get about you.

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